Deep Offshore Technology and Discovery in Aberdeen

Posted by Tracerco

Oct 17, 2014 4:29:56 PM

This week was mostly spent at the Deep Offshore Technology Conference in Aberdeen promoting Discovery. We made some great contacts and met many existing ones. Continuing to monitor our marketing campaigns showed initial results from the event indicated a healthy 67% brand awareness for Tracerco in the Aberdeen offshore market. Although we can see there is still some room for improvement. 

There was consistently a lot of interest in Discovery for inspection relating to both flow assurance and pipeline integrity as well as some interest for our other subsea services including PIG tracking.

Marketing agency Fifth Ring continued their editors' eye series. It is always interesting to get the perspective from the trade press. Elaine Maslin of Offshore Engineer noted the focus on cost savings for the industry. Given the savings Discovery can deliver this means the future looks bright for the world's first subsea CT scanner. To learn more sign up for updates

Two people standing with our Discovery technology at the exhibition stand


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Topics: marketing, Discovery, pipeline inspection, pipeline integrity, subsea flowlines, Flow assurance, Subsea Technology, pipe bundles, pipe in pipe, oil & gas

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