The first issue of 2018's Tracerco Insight newsletter is now available.
Tracerco would like to wish you a Happy New Year. We are very much looking forward to celebrating our 60th anniversary in 2018.
To start the new year we have published the first issue of the Tracerco Insight newsletter featuring a few of our latest case studies illustrating how Tracerco was able to provide our customers the necessary data that allowed the operations staff to make informed decisions for troubleshooting and optimising their process.

This issue contains the following articles:
- Avoid unnecessary costs by understanding process problems before taking action.
- Define coke drum foam profiles and verify level detection devices.
- Tru-Scans™ document liquid sulphur levels in a sulphur recovery unit (SRU) reactor during a catalyst wash.
- Tracerco™ Life Cycle Management (LCM) - reliable and effective asset life cycle management
Click Here to download a pdf copy of the Vol 8 Ed 1 issue. To learn more about the technologies Tracerco offers or to schedule an onsite presenation please contact a technical advisor in your region.
Click here to download a copy of our Tracerco Diagnostics™ Services for the Refining and Petrochemcial Industries brochure highlighting our Process Diagnostic applications.
Visit our website to subscribe to future issues of Tracerco Insight.