Why responsive web design is important for Tracerco

Posted by Tracerco

Apr 11, 2014 4:47:06 PM

Tracerco has just launched their website in responsive design. Six months after revamping the entire design of the site it has now been adapted to be responsive including the DiscoveryTM microsite. But what is responsive web design and why is it important?

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Topics: Digital Marketing, marketing, responsive design, SEO

Three attributes of marathon runners you need for a career at Tracerco

Posted by Tracerco

Apr 11, 2014 3:54:00 PM

As 37,000 brave souls line up for the London Marathon this weekend it's interesting to compare the attributes required to complete a marathon to those you need for a successful career. Here's three attributes marathon runners have that you would need for a blossoming career at Tracerco.​

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Why you should attend a live demo of Discovery

Posted by Tracerco

Apr 7, 2014 9:47:00 AM

Five big reasons to be in Houston this May

There is more to our latest version of  world's first subsea CT scanner than ever before. Tracerco has developed their unique DiscoveryTM subsea pipeline inspection instrument for flow assurance and integrity issues for ultra deep-water applications and will be demonstrating it at the NASA Neutral Buoyancy Lab (NBL). Here's five big reasons you shouldn't miss it.

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Topics: Tracerco innovations, Discovery, pipeline inspection, pipeline integrity, subsea flowlines, Flow assurance, Subsea Technology, pipe bundles, pipe in pipe, Houston events

Discovery - Most significant contribution to subsea pipeline industry

Posted by Tracerco

Apr 4, 2014 9:02:20 AM

Tracerco has been awarded the top accolade in Subsea Technology at this year’s prestigious Pipeline Industries Guild Awards for our breakthrough technology for the inspection of subsea pipelines.

We received the Subsea Technology Award for DiscoveryTM, our new subsea CT scanner which for the very first time provides oil and gas companies with the opportunity to scan any subsea pipeline from the outside to gain an accurate picture of the condition of the pipe and its contents, with no need to remove the protective coating, and with no interruption to production. This allows them to undertake subsea pipeline inspection on any subsea flowlines including pipe in pipe and caissons or pipe bundles for flow assurance and pipeline integrity issues.

The team at Tracerco (pictured below) were presented with the prestigious award at a ceremony in London’s Grosvenor House Hotel this week after the judges selected Discovery TM as the most significant contribution to subsea pipeline technology in 2014.
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Topics: Tracerco innovations, Discovery, pipeline inspection, pipeline integrity, risers, subsea flowlines, Flow assurance, Subsea Technology, Physics, pipe bundles, pipe in pipe, Awards

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