Nicola Porter

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How to diagnose liquid maldistribution in packed beds: A case study - Part 1

Posted by Nicola Porter

May 12, 2016 8:52:49 AM

This post is the first of the "Diagnosing liquid maldistribution inside packed beds" series.

A challenge to process engineers is diagnosing liquid maldistribution problems inside packed beds that can cause severe mass transfer efficiency loss. In industrial distillation columns, common examples of the cause of liquid maldistribution are design, manufacture or installation defects of distributors as well as damage, plugging and process disturbance of packed beds.

In this latest blog, we will explain using a case study approach how Tracerco's scanning technologies can be used to diagnose suspected maldistribution in packed beds.

The first step to determine liquid maldistribution in a packed column is to perform a Tracerco Tru-Grid™ Scan to provide an initial look at the liquid distribution in the packing.  A Tru-Grid™ scan consists of four equal-distant chords, one through each quadrant of the tower. Under ideal conditions and uniform liquid loadings, each scan plot will overlay closely with all others.

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Topics: optimising plant processing, process systems, plant processing, scanning technology, Process Diagnostics, Gamma Scanning, Distillation Column Performance, packed column performance, distillation tower scanning, annular liquid distribution, Liquid maldistribution, packed column, Tru-Grid Scan, distillation column maintenance, Tracerco technologies, optimising plant production, Suspected maldistribution in packed beds

The Value Of Product & Brand Authentication Programmes

Posted by Nicola Porter

Feb 19, 2016 10:37:00 AM

Counterfeiting, duty evasion and other forms of illicit trade are a substantial and growing problem across all market sectors, leading to increased calls for businesses to make use of highly secure product and brand authentication programmes.

Estimates of the global value of counterfeit and illicit product sales vary widely. As the trade is illegal, official records of sales are not published so estimates of the sales of counterfeiting differ significantly. However, the undisputable fact is that all the estimates come up with staggering numbers representing a significant proportion of the global economy. Current estimates range from around US$700 bn per year (Havoscope) to US$1.7 trillion (ICC).  This totally unregulated trade impacts everyone; brand owners, governments, consumers and the environment.

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Topics: authentication, brand protection tehnology, consumer protection, product quality, revenue protection, fiscal tax recovery, safeguard brand equity, adulteration, adulterated fuel, brand security, counterfeit detection, product protection, product assurance, authentication solutions, product authentication, brand authentication, brand protection, counterfeiting, marker systems

How to reduce operating costs and shutdown time of a distillation tower: case study

Posted by Nicola Porter

Sep 15, 2015 12:41:38 PM

Improving process operating margins can be achieved by maximising production of higher value products and/or minimising production costs. It is important for plant engineers to know how much capacity is available in the trays in a distillation tower.  Gamma scanning is an established method used by many in the process industries as a qualitative tool to help troubleshoot distillation towers. Gamma scanning can be used to diagnose virtually any operating malfunction that can be identified by an observable change in density. This includes most mechanical, process or rate related problems such as tray damage, foaming, weeping and entrainment. By deploying new measurement detector technology and incorporating innovative analysis of gamma scanning data, plant engineers can now acc ss the all-important quantitative data about the capacity of distillation towers.

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Topics: Process Diagnostics, Gamma Scanning, Tray Capacity, Distillation Column Performance, Carryover, Weeping, Entrainment, Tru-Scan, Column Flooding, Tray Damage, FrothView

How to measure material levels in vessels for fouling deposits:case study

Posted by Nicola Porter

Jul 6, 2015 4:08:00 PM

A problem plaguing butadiene purification unit operations is the potential for free radical polymerisation, commonly known as popcorn polymer. This popcorn polymer formation can disrupt the operation of the unit by plugging lines, sticking valves, and even physically damaging equipment. Under certain conditions the polymer growth can push apart flanges, rupture lines and even pop the head off exchangers.

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Topics: optimising plant processing, popcorn polymer, process systems, providing insight onsite, neutron backscatter, process vessels, plant processing, scanning technology, heat exchanger, butadiene purification unit, Process Diagnostics, exchanger, solids buildup, fouling deposits, polymerisation, butadiene condenser

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