How to diagnose liquid maldistribution in packed beds: A case study - Part 1

Posted by Nicola Porter

May 12, 2016 8:52:49 AM

This post is the first of the "Diagnosing liquid maldistribution inside packed beds" series.

A challenge to process engineers is diagnosing liquid maldistribution problems inside packed beds that can cause severe mass transfer efficiency loss. In industrial distillation columns, common examples of the cause of liquid maldistribution are design, manufacture or installation defects of distributors as well as damage, plugging and process disturbance of packed beds.

In this latest blog, we will explain using a case study approach how Tracerco's scanning technologies can be used to diagnose suspected maldistribution in packed beds.

The first step to determine liquid maldistribution in a packed column is to perform a Tracerco Tru-Grid™ Scan to provide an initial look at the liquid distribution in the packing.  A Tru-Grid™ scan consists of four equal-distant chords, one through each quadrant of the tower. Under ideal conditions and uniform liquid loadings, each scan plot will overlay closely with all others.

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Topics: optimising plant processing, process systems, plant processing, scanning technology, Process Diagnostics, Gamma Scanning, Distillation Column Performance, packed column performance, distillation tower scanning, annular liquid distribution, Liquid maldistribution, packed column, Tru-Grid Scan, distillation column maintenance, Tracerco technologies, optimising plant production, Suspected maldistribution in packed beds

How to minimise maintenance costs with exchanger leak testing: case study

Posted by Tracerco

Mar 15, 2016 10:30:36 AM

Detecting and identifying small leaks in heat exchangers can be an extremely difficult and time consuming task for many operators and plant personnel. Product quality, process efficiency and the time and cost associated with maintenance and potential shutdowns caused by a leaking vessel can have a significant and detrimental impact on production and process operating margins.   

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Topics: optimising plant processing, chemical tracers, Process Diagnostics, exchanger, Gamma Scanning, Tru-Scan, leak testing, plant performance, heat exchangers, leaking exchangers, small leaks

How to ensure radiation safety and source security with fixed area monitoring

Posted by Callum Grieves

Feb 29, 2016 8:58:47 AM

Radiation safety and source security is becoming an increasing concern across all market sectors, with the illegal possession and illicit movement of radioactive sources having potentially severe consequences to site workers and both national and global communities. A necessary precaution taken by numerous facilities to ensure source security is the use of fixed area radiation monitors which provide the dose rate levels of source storage bunkers and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) radiography bays.

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Topics: radiation, radiation monitor, radiation detection, radioactive source security, observa, fixed monitoring, source theft, area monitoring, source security, radiation safety

Five steps to cutting reservoir stimulation costs by 20%

Posted by Tracerco

Feb 24, 2016 2:58:30 PM

In the challenging market conditions that we face today, reducing lift costs is paramount. One area where this can be achieved is through stimulation optimisation, ensuring reduce spend on stimulation activities and maximum  oil or gas flow for a particular field. 

In this post we examine five steps to achieving savings of as much as 20% in reservoir stimulation costs by using accurate flow data to optimise stage stimulation in individual wells and development of unconventional fields.

This is based on our vast experience across numerous fields and the insights and figures are taken from real projects conducted over the last few years.


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Topics: unconventional wells, reservoir, reservoir analysis, reservoir characterisation, drilling, technology enabling cost savings, reservoir stimulation

3 steps to ensure safe working practices when dealing with radiation in a medical environment

Posted by Callum Grieves

Feb 23, 2016 11:57:09 AM

The use of radioactive sources in hospitals requires many safety measures to be implemented to ensure that workers and the general public are protected. Although there are a number of measures such as shielding, dose rate and contamination monitoring and personal dosimetry that can be used to record radiation exposure, a key method of ensuring the safety of nurses, doctors and patients, is the use of fixed area radiation monitors. Fixed area monitors use multiple detectors to provide the dose rate levels of iodine therapy centres, patient treatment rooms and nuclear medicine departments. Critical and potentially life saving information is provided as fixed area monitors incorporate 24/7 monitoring with an early warning alarm that inform patients and staff when dose rates exceed set alarm thresholds. This ensures that all radiation risks are managed safely which is key to safer working practices for all personnel working within a medical environment. 

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Topics: radiation, radiation monitor, medical, observa, fixed monitoring, area monitoring, radiation safety

The Value Of Product & Brand Authentication Programmes

Posted by Nicola Porter

Feb 19, 2016 10:37:00 AM

Counterfeiting, duty evasion and other forms of illicit trade are a substantial and growing problem across all market sectors, leading to increased calls for businesses to make use of highly secure product and brand authentication programmes.

Estimates of the global value of counterfeit and illicit product sales vary widely. As the trade is illegal, official records of sales are not published so estimates of the sales of counterfeiting differ significantly. However, the undisputable fact is that all the estimates come up with staggering numbers representing a significant proportion of the global economy. Current estimates range from around US$700 bn per year (Havoscope) to US$1.7 trillion (ICC).  This totally unregulated trade impacts everyone; brand owners, governments, consumers and the environment.

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Topics: authentication, brand protection tehnology, consumer protection, product quality, revenue protection, fiscal tax recovery, safeguard brand equity, adulteration, adulterated fuel, brand security, counterfeit detection, product protection, product assurance, authentication solutions, product authentication, brand authentication, brand protection, counterfeiting, marker systems

Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Australia: Taking reservoir analysis to you

Posted by Tracerco

Feb 17, 2016 1:20:40 PM

Tracerco is tailoring our offering to meet the needs and challenges of our customers with five brand new tracer labs to analyse reservoir samples.

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Topics: Tracerco innovations, chemical tracers, unconventional wells, reservoir, fracking, controlled release, flow profiling, reservoir analysis, tracer analysis, interwell

The top five questions we are asked about our Discovery™ and Explorer™ Subsea Technologies

Posted by Lucy Hutchinson

Jan 22, 2016 4:11:00 PM

In this blog post we will discuss the top five questions we are asked with regard to our subsea technologies, Discovery™ and Explorer™.

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Topics: Discovery, pipeline inspection, pipeline integrity, Flow assurance, Explorer, Flowlines, Asset Integrity, Subsea Technologies, Subsea flexibles, subsea pipelines

How to optimise the performance of your trayed columns: case study

Posted by Tracerco

Dec 9, 2015 10:12:34 AM

There are a number of problems that can cause a loss of efficiency and lead to loss of production in a distillation column, including tray damage, flooding, weeping, and foaming. Gamma scan technology available from Tracerco can be utilised to locate the origin and/or severity of these problems. A Tru-Scan™ across the active area of a fractionation tray can provide hydraulic conditions and/or mechanical status of the active area, such as weeping and tray froth heights. FrothView™, a new methodology developed by Tracerco, provides a quantitative analysis of tray capacity as the total froth height on a tray that is measured using Tracerco's new detector technology and software interpretation.

In this latest blog post we will discuss how a Tru-Scan™ and FrothView™ technology was used to provide the % tray space to show the amount or percentage of available tray spacing that is occupied by froth or aerated liquid. Knowledge of the actual process conditions inside a vessel, provides engineers with the ability to make process adjustments accordingly. 

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Topics: Process Diagnostics, Gamma Scanning, Tray Capacity, Tru-Scan, Column Performance, FrothView

The top five questions we are asked about our controlled release reservoir tracers

Posted by Tracerco

Oct 1, 2015 8:03:43 AM

In this blog post we will highlight and discuss the top five questions we are asked with regard to our controlled release tracer technology.  

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Topics: reservoir, controlled release, reservoir analysis, reservoir characterisation, fluid inflow

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